Sunday, March 10, 2013

Welcome to Japan

Well everyone, I made it here safely...and I've never ate so much on a plane ride as I did with this one. It was the ultimate pigging out session...movies and munchies. By the time I made it to Narita, Japan I was a walking zombie...then it hit me. I had to wake up or else I'd probably never make it out of that airport...that wasn't the hard part though. The train was what freaked me out, NOTHING is in English of course and having to switch from train to train to get to my destination was a bit nerve racking but never the less, I got to my destination. I'm from California remember? Public transportation...forget about, maybe if you live in San Francisco you can get a taste of what that's life but other than that there's no way one would know what to do in this situation. Oh yea, and the train...super clean, everything here is so clean! I now live in a 2-story hostel-like establishment. Imagine a hostel except, there are no tourists, everyone speaks Japanese, and it is immaculate. Luckily I know a LITTLE Japanese but what I am really thankful for is Google Translator.

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